March 2012
Canberra Times Empathy Adds to Ambience

March 2012
Belinda Fox and Neville French Give and Take

Belinda Fox and Neville French Give and Take – a collaboration paintings and ceramics.
22 March – 10 April 2012 Beaver galleries 81 Denison Street Deakin ACT 2600

July 2012
Melbourne Art Fair - Royal Exhibition Building Melbourne, 1-5 August, 2012.
Belinda Fox and Neville French collaborative work at the Melbourne Art Fair Royal Exhibition Building Melbourne 1-5 August, 2012. Arthouse Gallery stand.

October 2012
Neville French wins $10,000 Vitrify Alcorso Ceramic Award, 2012
Neville was awarded the 2012 Vitrify Alcorso Ceramic Award for his installation of ceramic work titled ‘Mungo Light’ at a well attended ceremony held at Adelaide’s Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre coinciding with the 2012 Australian Ceramics Triennale.
The Vitrify Alcorso Ceramic Award is a $10,000 annual prize for ceramic art. Established in 2011, the award is open to artists nationally and is non-acquisitive.
Four artists are selected from the entries received to develop work for a group exhibition of ceramic art at a commercial gallery. From this exhibition, one artist is awarded the prize money. Selection of finalists and the judging of the award is made by a panel of expert judges.
Vitrify is presented by the Alcorso Foundation, a not-for profit cultural organisation with its home in Tasmania. For more information about the Foundation and its initiatives, please visit the website
Vitrify 2012 Vitrify 2012 opens at the JamFactory in Adelaide On Friday September 7 and continues until October 20 2012.
The winner of the 2012 Award will be announced on Friday, September 28th at the JamFactory.
Judges for the 2012 award will be Professor Noel Frankham, Head of the Hobart School of Art; Prue Venables, highly regarded ceramicist and Creative Director of the Ceramics Studio at the JamFactory; and Robert Reason, Curator of European and Australian Decorative Arts, the Art Gallery of South Australia.
“This is a huge honour for me and in a week when the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra has confirmed the acquisition of my 3 piece work Give & Take 11 from my exhibition at Beaver Galleries in Canberra earlier in the year.” Neville French

November 2012
'Give & Take 11' - National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Very pleased to announce the acquisition of ‘Give & Take 11’ by the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.
